The Hatpin tells the story of a single mother, Amber Murray, who advertised her baby in a newspaper trading column in the hope of saving his life...and ended up embroiled in one of the most captivating, moving, and exciting criminal trials in Australian history. Using the moral support she gains from her friendship with the free-spirited Harriet Piper, Amber fights the injustices of circumstance and tragedy to find hope and strength.

Writer // Peter Rutherfod & James Millar
Director // Hayden Tonazzi
Music Director // Jeremy Kindll
Producer // Lucy Allen
Cast // Kirallee Hillier, Nicole Winter and Company

“More than once I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat, utterly captivated.”

“Hatpin is a must see show. It’s emotional, its themes of misogyny and social hypocrisy are poignant and brilliantly presented, its music is wonderful and its actors amazing.”
